Friday, March 06, 2009

mythen und maerchen

oder: langweilig:

bloggen is doof.

twittern is blöd.

icq is langweilig.

aka aki is auch nich so der bringer.

myspace is meist hässlich.

vzeds und facebooks - lame.

brits neue show
- hamma, leider here and now not availeble for the moment. (Überhaupt geil, dass das Circus-Merchandise sich an Eierkneifmetal- und Guns´N´Roses-Style abarbeitet, btw.)

ne versiffte kellerlochpachtie scheint auch nicht am start.


np: Gjöll - Part III (Way Through Zero - the music, lyrics and artwork of this cd should be seen as a conceptual work. the lyrics in icelandic tell a story of a man's anger evolving. in the beginning this person is pessimistic, moody, powerless and always hiding his head in the sand. the second part shows his rising anger toward the powers that oppress him - part 3 shows the pure hatred which seemingly absorbs his soul and drives him into madness. but then in part 4 a process of analysis and rethinking takes place: he realizes that the only way to fight his oppressors is to change one's perception - power is only existent as long as individuals give it the right to exist. the man finds peace as soon as the vicious circle is broken. "the beginning of all revolutions - and maybe the only real revolution existing"



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